Wear Medical Disposable Gloves When You Leave Home. The pandemic is changing the way that we do a lot of things — including how we shop for our food and everyday essentials. With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommending that you wear cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing is challenging, you may also be wondering about gloves. And after seeing so many people at the grocery store wearing them, you may be thinking: Did I miss the memo on gloves?
Should you be wearing gloves while out in public?
Right now, Health officials recommend that you wear gloves while running essential errands. Just as you can spread germs from your hands to the mucous membranes of your face, You would stop & become alert while your gloves are on to keep your hands away from face, your eyes, nose and mouth. Hence, you become safe with your every touch.
If you're doing everything right to avoid cross-contamination, keep in mind that gloves are only effective if you're removing and discarding of them properly.
If you're going to wear gloves, make sure you take them off the right way
There's a right way and wrong way to remove your gloves. And if you're not taking them off the right way, as well as at the right time, you're basically undoing all of the protective advantages of them.
Right way to off the gloves:
1. Without touching your skin, grab the first glove at your wrist and pull away from your arm.
2. As you peel the glove downward, let it fold inside out.
3. Hold the glove inside out with the fingers of your hand that's still gloved.
4. Slide your ungloved fingers into the palm inside of your gloved hand, taking care to avoid touching the outside of the glove.
5. Peel the glove downward, turning it inside out.
6. As you peel toward your fingers, allow the second glove to wrap around the first glove.
7. The second glove should now be inside out, with the first glove tucked inside of it.
8. Throw the gloves away.
9. Wash your hands thoroughly.
For Pictures follow the link to remove your gloves :
WeCare recommends that your best bet is to go to the store wear Medical Gloves & FaceMask, also follow steps:
1. Do not touch your face.
2. Do not touch your phone.
3. Practice social distancing while in the store. (Stay at least six feet away from others at all times.)
4. Limit the items or surfaces that you need to touch. (Now isn’t the time to scavenge through the entire apple pile.)
5. Wear a face mask & medical gloves – and do not touch the mask once it’s on your face.
6. Sanitize your hands before & after wear gloves. When you transition to your car and immediately off the gloves & wash your hands when you get home after unloading.
Keep in mind, you should never wear gloves more than once, and they should be removed before entering a "clean" setting or touching a "clean" surface — such as before opening your car door.
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