Would you accept any invasive operative procedure on your skin or mucus membranes to be performed on you without gloves? How about a large operation? If you’re like most people, you’ll say “absolutely not!” to both of these questions. You or anyone else wouldn’t have had an option if you can not-too-distant past. To make matters worse, your surgeon would have probably only rinsed his hands after the patient before you. On the other hand, To clean the disinfectants in surgery, is a OMG topic for another day.
Millennia humans have been slipping five-fingered coverings over their hands for warmth, fashion, or protection—and sometimes, an intriguing fistful of all three. And gloves have played an outsized role in everything from English royal rituals to early 20th-century medicine. Let’s see the story behind the making of glove’s or a concise overview of the examination glove’s.
Ancient Cave paintings suggest that humans wore simple mittens, possibly knitted, as far back as the Ice Age. But the oldest existing gloves, made sometime between 1343 and 1323 B.C., are a snappy linen pair that ties at the wrist, found in King Tutankhamun’s Egyptian tomb in 1922. “It looks as though he used them when he rode in his chariot,” says Michael Redwood, a leather and glove expert and the author of Gloves and Glove-Making. “He’d use them to hold the reins, which seems almost symbolic. It’s an early example of how gloves were important to royalty, the church, and the legal system. Tut embodied all three.” Did you know Johns Hopkins hospital is often credited as giving the world the first rubber glove used for surgery?
In May 1889, Johns Hopkins Hospital first opened its doors. Dr. WilliamStewart Halstead, who had a number of medical and surgical achievements, was the first surgeon in chief and one of four founding physicians. Dr. Halstead was known for precision and cleanliness, which is why it is no surprise history credits him with developing the first surgical glove. After his nurse, and later wife, said the chemicals she handled for surgery gave her a rash, Dr. Halstead reached out to the Goodyear Rubber Co. to create rubber gloves for her hands. She loved the gloves and more pairs arrived. Not long after, Dr. Halstead’s entire surgical staff wore them during operations. At the time, they assumed the primary benefit was increased dexterity and gave little thought to hygiene.

23 Sep 1852, William Stewart Halsted was born in New York, considered one of the fathers of modern surgery, who proposed a type of radical mastectomy for the treatment of #cancerdemama (with resection of the breast, axillary nodes and both pectoral muscles)
In 1894, about 50% of surgical patients died. Many of these fatalities were due to the fact that surgeons did not wash their hands between surgeries and examinations, thereby passing pathogens between patients. Due in part to this statistic, Joseph Lister began using carbolic acid to sterilize his surgical tools and dressings, which included his surgical gloves making them sterile for the first time.
Funding for surgical glove research.
Develops the first disposable medical gloves and sterilized them using gamma irradiation.
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) published its BloodbornePathogens Standard. Around this time, there was increased awareness regarding HIV, and OHSA implemented the rule to protect workers who would come in contact with bodily fluids. OSHA’s standard required employers to provide personal protective equipment, including disposable gloves, to these workers.
During this time, nitrile disposable gloves first appeared on the market. These gloves provide more chemical resistance than latex gloves. Additionally, the gloves were perfect for wearers who had latex allergies and in medical settings where patients could have allergies.
In today’s world of masks and hand sanitizer, the glove has comeback with more ideas. “ Certainly, with protection, fashion people want to keep wearing Nitrile Gloves & Latex gloves. As we made a black nitrile, blue nitrile & white latex gloves. The probablity of market is huge and we keep growing. ” -says Miss Kmonbha Rattanaapiromyakit (CEO @ Awintoo Medical).
If you need examination gloves for any application we would love to help. Call (+66)97-179-8665 or email info@awintoo.com and we can help you to select the perfect glove for your needs!
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